Hello Friends,
Welcome Back, to another topic " why URL Shorten are useful", I hope people who are reading this article are already a blogger or webmaster, who already have an idea of basic blogging and maintaining website. !
we know the importance of publicity, and the role it plays in improving our blog rankings, Many bloggers will use this technique to advertise their posts on social media like facebook and twitter, we know that even our Prime Minister : Narendra Modi uses Twitter to post his updates.
People are crazy and conscious about what happening in the world, and they love to follow the people whom they like. From Common people to Celebrity's use Twitter !
Twitter is used by many peoples in the world, its a powerful Social Media to promote, and to make publicity in Twitter it gives us only 140 words, we should able to write within 140 words and its highly impossible to express it within 140 words. there plays an important role of URL shortening.
Importance of making URL Shorten :
1. Shorten URL Makes more sense and Manageable :
One of the reason for making URL Shorten for bloggers is to share in the social media like Twitter and Facebook, well shorten the URL makes sharing and tracking easy, which can fit into any web application.
2. Tracing and Tracking is Simple and easy :
Well URL shorten is nothing but making the long URL into Short with in 20 words. which is highly recommended in Search Engine Optimization., well tracing and tracking of link is also easy, when any link is shorten it gives the another link which is again linked back to the page which has Original Link.
3. URL shorten helping to Promote Social Media :
Now for every blogger URL shorten is important to advertise in social media, with this we are not only promoting the URL shorten websites but simultaneously creating the importance of social media and Making it powerful platform, its one of reason why Social Media websites are becoming very powerful.
4. Free to use and easy to share:
well these services are absolutely free, we know that there are many website available for URL shorten in which few are listed below, Now with the growing importance of URL shorten, Social Media Promoters are thinking of the new mode to create their own URL shorten websites.
5. URL shorten promote Sharing:
now with shorten URL,Sharing has become easy and can be sent in any web application , as if you take any URL shorten website creates within 20 words link.
Few URL shorten Websites which i use :
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